
Concrete NZ Report - Residential Consents Remain Strong

Concrete NZ publishes a Quarterly Market Insights Report with the November 2021 report showing continued growth in townhouses and retirement dwellings...

Residential consents are still incredibly strong with 4,483 consents in September taking the annual total to 47,331, up 25% from the year to September 2020.

Townhouses continue to lead building intentions higher, with a 47%pa increase over the last 12 months. Retirement units and apartments are regaining momentum too, up 33% and 23%pa.

Standalone houses are up 15%pa over the same period. Auckland remains key to building growth, with 46% of the growth in consents over the last year coming from Auckland. Other key contributors over the last year include Canterbury (18% of growth), Waikato (9.6%), and Northland (5.2%).

There’s an ever-growing focus on densification across New Zealand, with nearly half (46%) of all consents issued in the last year being for attached dwellings.

However, we continue to hear about extreme capacity pressures across the building sector, including for building consent officials. It seems that there is still a high number of consents waiting to be processed, more needing to be signed off, and materials and labour constraints that are pushing out the time taken to build.


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